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Nx Witness User Manual

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Backing up and Restoring the System Database

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You can create a backup of the database of System settings, user rights and settings, and device configurations, which can be restored in case of failure. If a user creates the backup in the Client, the file is saved as a *.db file. Nx Witness creates a database backup automatically every 7 days, whenever the product version is updated, and when Systems are merged (see "Merging Systems"). If the backup is created automatically, the file is saved as a *.backup file. More details about backups can be found on the Support Portal.

The System database does not include archives, server data, or local settings.

The default database backup location:


C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Network Optix\Network Optix Media Server



! IMPORTANT: It is best to backup and restore the database on the same computer.

To Back up Nx Witness Database

1.Go to Main Menu > System Administration > Advanced.

2.In the Backup and Restore section, click Create Backup.

3.In the dialog that opens, choose a location on the local file system, enter a file name for the backup, then click Save.

To Restore Nx Witness Settings from Backup

1.Go to Main Menu > System Administration > General.

2.In the Backup and Restore section, click Restore from Backup.

3.In the dialog that opens, find the desired database backup file (*.db), then click Open.

4.Click OK in the confirmation dialog to restore the database.

Servers will restart automatically when the System is restored from backup. 

! IMPORTANT: It may be necessary to restart Nx Witness clients after restoring a database.