An Event Rule is an Event-Action pair – when an Event is detected, the related Action is triggered.
An event rule is a one-to-one definition: a given event can have just one action. However, you can create as many event rules as you need. For example, you can define an event that detects motion on a camera with the action "send an email", and a second event that detects motion on a camera with the action "create a bookmark".
There are three types of Event Rules:
•User events – Custom defined for a wide variety of conditions, using the available events and actions.
•System-generated events – Exist for notification of critical storage and connection issues; a user cannot configure them or delete them.
•Default Events – Preconfigured events that run in background whenever Nx Witness is open. Default events are triggered by System-level circumstances such as storage issue, license issues, device disconnection, etc.
Default Events
Default events are effective as soon as Nx Witness is installed, and are automatically written to the Event log. With the exceptions noted below, all default events trigger both global notifications and an email:
•Show Notifications to all users, every 30 seconds until issue is resolved.
•Send Email to System Owner.
(The exceptions are Archive Backup Finished and Generic Event, which send notifications only, and Server Started, which sends email only.)
Event Indicators in Layout
Due to their importance, or simply to make an event noticeable in a dense layout, certain events provide built-in visual indication when triggered. For critical events – storage issue or storage not configured, server failure or conflict, device disconnected, etc. – the indicator is a set of red outlines that radiate from the perimeter of the related item in layout. For other less critical events – motion on camera, input signal on device – a set of green outlines will radiate from the perimeter of the related item. The server monitor also provides a similar visual indicator when a server issue is detected.
Event Logging
Events are automatically recorded in the System Event Log (see "Viewing Events Log"). The "Write to Log" action can be used for an event to be written to the log without needing to perform an external action such as playing a sound, sending an email, setting a bookmark, etc.
Turning Rules On or Off
•Using the Event Rule List – Once a rule is defined, it can be turned on or off using a checkbox in the Event Rules list. Turning a rule off means the event will not be detected and the corresponding action will not be performed.
•Using the Schedule – For any rule, detection of the event can be turned on or off in increments of one hour using a weekly calendar (see "Event Scheduling".)
•Using Global Notification – Notification of a rule occurrence can be turned on or off System-wide (see "Global Notification Settings"). The rule is still on, but notifications are not sent when it triggers.
Resetting All Rules to Default
Rule configurations can be returned to their default settings:
1.From Main Menu > System Administration > Event Rules.
2.Click on Restore all Rules to Default.
3.Click Reset to accept changes.
IMPORTANT: All user-defined rules are discarded when you restore rules to default.
To Create a Rule
See "Using the Event Rules List" and "Using the Event Rules Form".
To Delete a Rule
•Right-click on a single rule in the list and choose Delete from the context menu
•Use the Delete button at the top of the dialog.
IMPORTANT: There is no confirmation prompt before a rule is deleted.