The Nx Witness Desktop Client can be customized in a specific way. These settings are local and apply to the current Client instance only.
To Customize the Look and Feel
Open Main Menu > Local Settings > Look and Feel to set the following global display characteristics:
•Language – select your preferred display language from the pull-down menu. You must restart Nx Witness for this change to take effect.
•Time Mode – when the Client and Server are in different time zones, use this to select whether Server Time or Client Time will apply in Client displays (e.g. Timeline, timestamps in Event Logs and Audit Trail, etc). See "Time Synchronization in a Multi-Server Environment".
•Show additional info in tree – check this box to include the IP address of devices and servers, and the User Role of individual users in the Resource Tree display.
•Show aim overlay for PTZ cameras – uncheck this box to enable the alternative UI for PTZ controls (see "Alternative PTZ Controls").
•Tour cycle – sets the time, in seconds, that each item in a Tour will be displayed.
•Background Image – toggle this switch to add an image (typically a logo) that will display on the Viewing Grid beneath all layouts. Once an image is selected, you can use this switch to toggle the background image on and off.
1.Click Browse to select an image file
2.Open the Mode dropdown and select the desired display mode: Stretch, Fit, or Crop.
3.Set the Intensity level (0%/completely transparent to 100%/completely opaque)
Click OK when done or Cancel to discard changes. If your changes require a restart, you will be prompted to Restart Now, Restart Later, or Cancel.
Note: The Viewing Grid background applies to all layouts. You can also add a background image to a single layout (see "Adding a Background to Layout (E-Mapping)").