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Nx Witness User Manual

You can play almost any video file on your local drive, with most major codecs and containers supported. You can also use Nx Witness to browse local files from the Welcome Screen without launching a System.

Local files include:

Files found in designated Nx Witness Media Folders

Recently opened local files

Exported Files

Screen Recordings


The Local Files list updates when a source folder is changed or a file in the folder is removed or added.

To Browse and View Local Files from the Nx Witness Welcome Screen

1.Go to Main Menu on the Welcome Screen and select Browse Local Files.

2.The Nx Witness interface opens to a blank new layout, with all local files found in the specified media folders listed in the Resource Tree.

3.You can add files, arrange items, add new layouts, and use the Timeline from this screen, but will not be able to save layouts.

4.To toggle back to the System connection page, go to Main Menu and select Show Welcome Screen.

To Rename Local Files from the Resource Tree

1.Right-click on a local file to open the context menu.

2.Choose Rename (F2) to make the name editable.

3.Type the desired file name.

4.Press Enter.

5.1 Sound Stream Playback (for Local Files Only)

Video files that have a 5.1 sound stream require a special setting in order to play back on stereo speakers.

1.Go to Main Menu > Local Settings > Advanced tab and check Downmix Audio from 5.1 to 2.1.

2.Click Apply to save changes, OK to save changes and close the dialog, or Cancel to discard changes.

3.You will need to restart the Nx Witness client for this change to take effect.