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Nx Witness User Manual

A layout remains local and will only be available during the current session unless it is saved. Saving a layout saves the position and rotation of all items. Once a layout is saved, it is added to the Resource Tree under Layouts and also the names of the users who have access to it. Saved layouts that were open when a session closed will automatically reopen the next time a user logs in.

Use Save Current Layout (Ctrl+S) to save the layout name with its current name (as shown in the tab header caption).

Use Save Current Layout As (Ctrl+Alt+S) to enter a name of your choice.

To Save a Layout

Right-click on the tab name in the Navigation Panel and select Save Current Layout or Save Current Layout As from the context menu.

Right-click on the Viewing Grid of the layout and select Save Current Layout or Save Current Layout As from the context menu.

Click on the desired layout in the Resource Tree and select Save Current Layout As to save it with a new name.