The Servers tab contains Server-level metrics.
The following information is displayed:
Server Availability
•Status – Current status of the sever (online/offline).
•Events count: Server Offline (24h) – Number of times the server went offline in the last 24 hours.
•Uptime – Length of time the sever has been active.
•Total CPU Usage (%) – CPU usage of the entire machine.
•CPU used by VMS Server (%) – CPU usage of the Nx Witness server application.
•Total RAM Usage – RAM usage of the entire machine in GB.
•Total RAM Usage (%) – RAM usage of the entire machine as a percentage.
•RAM used by VMS Server – RAM usage of the Nx Witness server application in GB.
•RAM used by VMS Server (%) – RAM usage of the Nx Witness server application as a percentage.
•Server threads – Number of threads inside Server processes.
•Camera channels – Number of device channels in the System.
•Decoding threads – The number of running decoding threads.
•Decoding speed – Total decoding speed in megapixels per second, including thumbnails encoding.
•Encoding threads -The number of running encoding threads.
•Encoding speed – Total encoding speed in megapixels per second, including thumbnails encoding.
•Outgoing Primary streams – The number of primary media streams that are being taken from the server (including audio-only streams, such as from an I/O module).
•Outgoing Secondary streams – The number of secondary media streams that are being taken from the server.
•Incoming connections – Number of open incoming sockets, including UDT (TCP over UDP).
•Outgoing connections – Number of open outgoing sockets, including UDT (TCP over UDP).
•Logging level – The type of logging enabled on the server.
•Public IP – Public IP of the server.
•OS – Operating System installed on the server.
•OS Time – Time as reported by the Operating System.
•VMS Time – Time as reported by the Nx Witness server application.
•CPU Name – Manufactuerer and model of CPU.
•Cores – Number of cores the CPU has.
•RAM – Amount of RAM (GB) installed on the server.
•Events count: Time Changed (24h) – Number of times the server's time had to be synchronized.
•Transactions per second – Represents activity with resources settings and information being changed in the internal database (from a moving average over the last 60 seconds).
•Event Rules activations per second – Number of times Event Rules have been triggered (from a moving average over the last 60 seconds).
•REST API calls per second – Number of HTTP REST API per second (from a moving average over the last 60 seconds). This number does not include API calls for media streaming and data proxying between servers.
•Thumbnails per second – Number of thumbnails decoded per second (from a moving average over the last 60 seconds).
•Active plugins list – Numbered list of plugins that are currently working on the server.