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Nx Witness User Manual

The Cameras List (i.e., Devices List) lets you view and manage all devices registered in the Nx Witness System.

To Open the Device List

Open the System Administration dialog and select Camera List (Ctrl+M).

Viewing Full Cameras List - 1

Recording – current recording state of the device (Not recording, Continuous, Motion only, Motion + Lo-Res). See "Recording Modes".

Name – Device name

Vendor – Device manufacturer/maker. When interacting with a 3rd party device via ONVIF protocol, Onvif Device is displayed.

Model – Model of the device

Firmware – The current firmware version

IP/NameDevice IP address

MAC AddressDevice MAC address. If it is not possible to determine the MAC address, a unique identifier is shown (i.e. urn_uuid_207f19b2-d5a6-407f-8fec-6265a311058b)

ID1 to 3 digit Logical ID (see "Expert Device Settings").

Server – Server hosting the device

The following controls are available:

Sort data – Data in each of the columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header.

Filter data – Text entered in the Search field applies to all data in the list. Results refresh as characters are entered. To disable filtering, clear the field.

Select data – To select multiple rows use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click. Use Ctrl+A to select all devices.

The following tools are available from the Camera List context menu:

Open – Choose Open, Open in New Tab, or Open in New Window.

Delete – Disconnects the selected device(s) for the server host.

Rename – Select a single device, opens the Rename dialog.

Check Camera Issues – Opens the "Event Log" for the selected device.

Camera Rules – Opens the "Event Rules List" for the selected device

Camera Settings – Opens the Camera Settings dialog for the chosen device. If multiple cameras are selected before clicking this setting, the dialog that opens will be feature restricted.

Select All – Selects all the cameras in the list

Export Selection to File Opens the Export dialog. Enter a file name and select a format (HTML or CSV text file).

Copy Selection to Clipboard Copies the column data for each selected camera to clipboard, from which it can be pasted into a text editor or spreadsheet application.