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Nx Witness User Manual

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Initial System Configuration

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When Nx Witness is installed, some initial configuration is required. A newly installed server will be displayed as New Server on the Welcome Screen, with a prompt to Click to setup.

To Setup a New System or Add Server to an Existing System

1.Click on the New Server tile to launch the setup wizard.

2.Choose one of the two options:

Setup New System – specify a System name and owner password. The following advanced settings are also available:

Sometimes, the New Server tile may not be displayed as the Desktop Client may not detect the server. In this case, use the "Connect to Server" Main Menu item (see "Connecting to a Specific Server"), specify the Server IP, Port and use admin/admin as the login/password combination.

Also, you can use Advanced System Settings to configure additional important system-wide parameters like:

Enabling/Disabling auto-discovery (see "Automatic Device Discovery")

Enabling/Disabling device setting optimization (see "Preventing Nx Witness from Changing Device Settings")

Enabling/Disabling anonymous usage s tatistics(see "Sending Anonymous Usage and Crash Statistics")

Configuring Secure Connections.

Add to Existing System – if a System contains multiple servers (see "Configuring Multi-Server Environment"), specify:

oSystem URL – this value can be auto-discovered. If it is not, the URL format is http://<host>:<port>, where <host> is the name or IP address of the server and <port> is the server port (usually 7001)

oLogin and Password for the existing System

Configuring Storage, Devices, and Recording

Whether it is a new System or the server is connecting to an existing one, the following settings will be required:

Storage on each server must be configured (see “Configuring Server and NAS Storage”).

Devices must be properly set up (see “Device Management (Cameras, Encoders and I/O Modules)”).

Recording settings must be established (see "Recording Modes"). Remember that a sufficient number of licenses must be obtained and activated (see “Nx Witness Licenses”).

Creating User Roles and Layouts

Once storage, device, and recording configuration is complete it is possible to define the following:

User Roles and authorities (see "Users and User Roles")

Layout configuration (see "Layout Management")

note Note: All servers in a given System have the same localsystemID value. This parameter cannot be viewed or edited, it is required for internal processing when servers are merged. If you select "Setup New System," the localSystemId is assigned during initial configuration. If you select "Add to Existing System," the local SystemId is taken from the existing System.