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Nx Witness User Manual

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Session and Digest Authentication

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Nx Witness offers different authentication methods for the different aspects of Nx Witness. HTTP Bearer Session authentication is the default option due to its improved security over HTTP Digest authentication. Digest authentication is deprecated in Nx Witness but still usable if enabled on a user-by-user basis.

To Enable HTTP Digest Authentication for a User

1.Open Main Menu > User Management.

a.Click New User.

b.Click Edit on an existing user.

2.Click the three vertical dots on the bottom left of the dialog and select Allow digest authentication for this user.

3.A red banner will appear alerting you of the change. To revert the change, click Force Secure Authentication in the red banner.

4.Apply changes.

note Note: A warning text will appear in the Security tab (Main Menu > System Administration) stating that Digest authentication is not secure and the number of users with access to it.