Occurs when Nx Witness server receives a special HTTP request from a device with built-in video analytics. If a camera has analytics enabled, Nx Witness can render visual displays in layout for the various types of analytics data received. Event metadata is also captured, and can be searched, filtered, and further analyzed.
IMPORTANT: Analytics must be configured in the camera first in order to be detected by Nx Witness.
For example, video analytics can detect when a vehicle has entered a certain area, zoom in on the license plate, and then perform license plate recognition. The corresponding event in Nx Witness could render a bounding box of one color around the car, a bounding box of another color around the license plate, and trigger an email alert to security personnel. See "Analytics Object Detected" for more details about Analytics Events that specifically involve object detection (i.e. temperature detection is an Analytics Event with no object detection, but face recognition is an Analytics Event involving object detection).
Any number of video analytics devices can be connected the System, and for each device any number of video analytic types can be enabled. Visualizations are captured and displayed as a bounding box in a user-specified color for each event or as a point for objects with a coordinate but no size. Once defined, an analytics event can be searched and filtered by entity type (notifications, Bookmarks, events, motion, detected objects), by area as with motion search, by class or by attribute using unified text search of the Caption and Description fields, or by date interval. A counter shows the number of results that match the search criteria.
To configure an Analytics Event
1.Use the camera web page to confirm that analytics detection is properly configured and enabled in the device(s) you plan to use.
Note: Some cameras can have their analytics detection configured in the Nx Witness desktop client. See Plugins and Analytics for more information.
2.Open Event Rules and click the Add button to create a new rule.
3.Select Analytics Event from the When field.
4.Click on the At field to select the device(s) that will be generating the third party analytics for the rule. In the Select Devices list, cameras that do not support analytics are highlighted in red.
Note: Analytics integration works with certain camera models only, and event types differ from camera to camera. A warning notification will open if one or more of the selected cameras does not support analytics.
5.Choose the Event Type that will trigger the rule.
Note: Each device will have a different set of available triggers depending on the analytic capabilities provided by the manufacturer. Only those available for the selected devices will be listed.
6.Optionally, use the Caption and Description fields to enter or filter attributes or metadata provided by the analytics device. Entries in these fields should match the corresponding fields in the HTTP request and are case sensitive. If the field is empty, it will always be considered a match.
•Caption – Optional class value used to identify object type.
•Description – Optional attribute value used to distinguish objects within a class.
Advanced Parameters
Why Event may work incorrectly
•Request is filtered out. Edit or clear the Caption and Description fields and trigger the event again.
•Global notification for this event is disabled.