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Nx Witness User Manual

Item windows display basic device information and provide icons for powerful built-in functions. Information and icons shown depends on whether the item is showing live or recorded video.

Upper Left

The upper left corner displays the camera name for live streams, or the file name for recorded video, and an icon for the current Recording Mode.

recording – Constant Recording (green circle)

recording_motion – Motion Recording (red circle)

recording_motion_lq – Low Resolution always and High Resolution for motion (red circle with green diagonal stripe)

recording_off@2x Not Recording (grey circle)

Image Controls - 1


Upper Right

The upper right corner contains the following buttons:

object_search_hoveredObject Search

image_enhancement_hoveredImage Enhancement

zoom_window_hoveredCreating a Zoom Window

smart_zoom – SmartZoom

search_hovered Motion Smart Search



fisheye_hoveredDewarping – for fish-eye cameras

ptz_hoveredPan, Tilt, and Zoom (PTZ) – for live streams, if supported by the device

info_hoveredInformation – displays additional information about the device settings

close_hovered – Close – removes the item from the current layout

Bottom Right

The bottom right corner indicates LIVE for live streams, or displays the date and running time for archive or local files. If supported by the device you may also see:

mic_hovered Using 2-Way Audio button

Custom Soft Triggers

Additionally, these messages may appear for camera items:

NO SIGNAL – Camera is offline (see "Diagnosing Offline Devices")

NO DATA – No recording was performed, no data is available

Loading – Awaiting data from server

Unauthorized – Incorrect/missing login or password

Bottom Left

Click on the Information icon info_hovered or right-click on any selected item to open the context menu, and choose Show Info (Alt+I) to display the following item information:

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Resolution of the stream in pixels

Frames per second (FPS) of the stream

Bitrate of the stream. The letter after the bitrate value is the video traffic delivery method indicator – Direct Connect, NAT traversal (N) and Proxy (P).

Codec (e.g., H.265, H.264, or MJPEG). If "Hardware Decoding" (Intel Quick Sync) is enabled, the stream will display the (HW) indicator to the right of the stream codec.

Stream in use – Hi-Res or Lo-Res.