The Cameras tab contains Camera-level metrics.
The following information is displayed:
•Name – Name of the device.
•Server – Name of the Server the camera is connected to.
•Type – The type of device: Camera, Multi-Sensor Camera, Encoder, NVR, I/O module, or Horn Speaker.
•IP – IP address of the device.
•Recording – The recording status of the device: On, Scheduled, or Off.
•Status – The connectivity status of the device: Offline, Online, Unauthorized, or Server Offline.
•Events – Camera Offline (1h) – Number of times the camera went offline over the past hour.
•Events – Stream Issues (1h) – Number of times the stream had issues over the past hour.
Primary Stream
•Resolution – The resolution of the primary stream.
•Actual FPS – Frames Per Second (FPS) of the stream.
•Avg FPS drop (10 min) – Difference between the FPS being targeted and the actual FPS (average over the last 10 minutes).
Secondary Stream
•Resolution – The resolution of the secondary stream.
•Actual FPS – Frames Per Second (FPS) of the stream.
•Avg FPS drop (10 min) – Difference between the FPS being targeted (set in the Advanced tab) and the actual FPS (average over the last 10 minutes).
Storage Analytics
•Archive – Length of all archived footage associated with this camera.
•Recording Bitrate (5min) – Bitrate for the Camera archive (based on the last 5 minutes of recorded archive).