The Storage tab contains Storage-level metrics.
The following information is displayed:
•Name – Storage location path.
•Server – Name of the Server the storage is installed on.
•Type – Types of storage being used (local, smb, etc).
•Status – Current status of the storage drive.
oOnline – Displays when the storage drive is online and not disabled by the user.
oDisabled – Displays when the storage drive is online but disabled by the user.
oInaccessible – Displays when the storage is offline.
oServer Offline – Displays when the Server that the storage drive belongs to is offline.
•Issues (24h) – Number of storage issue events within the last 24 hours.
•Read Rate – Storage drive read rate per second (from a moving average over the last 60 seconds).
•Write Rate – Storage drive write rate per second (from a moving average over the last 60 seconds).
•Total – Size of the storage in Gigabyles (GB).
•VMS Media (%) – Amount of the storage space occupied by data (as a percentage).