A new System is installed without Layouts configured and will open to a blank Viewing Grid. A new Layout can be configured as a temporary one for the current session, saved to the current User for later recall, shared with others Users of the System, or Saved As a Cloud Layout that can contain Devices from different Cloud Connected Systems.
To Create a New Layout
1.Click on the + icon in the Navigation Panel to the right of other open Layout or System tabs.
2.Configure the Layout to meet the viewing needs.
To Save a Local Layout
1.Right-click on the Layout tab or the Layout name in the Resource Tree to open the Layout context menu.
•Select Save Layout to save the Layout using the current type and name (New Layout # if not changed previously).
•Select Save Layout As to save the Layout as the current type under a new name.
Note: A Layout must be saved once before it can be shared locally or converted to a Shared Layout.
To Convert a Local Layout to a Shared Layout
1.Ensure the Layout is has been successfully saved once and is displayed in the Resource Tree.
2.Right-click on the Layout in the Resource Tree to open the Layout context menu.
3.Select Convert to a Shared Layout in the context menu. The Layout icon will update to reflect that it is a Shared Layout.
4.The Layout is now visible to Administrator and Power User who can share it with other Users (see "Permissions Management").
To Save a Layout as a Cloud Layout
1.System must be connected to the Cloud.
2.Ensure the Layout is has been successfully saved once and is displayed in the Resource Tree.
3.Right-click on the Layout in the Resource Tree to open the Layout context menu.
4.Select Save as a Cloud Layout in the context menu. This will Save a Copy of the Layout as a Cloud Layout under the name provided.
Granting Permission to a Layout
1.Ensure the Layout is has been successfully saved once and is displayed in the Resource Tree.
2.Administrators and Power Users can grant other Users Permission to the Layout (see "Permissions Management").