Generates output on a device when an event occurs, starts, or stops.
IMPORTANT: Output must be supported on the selected devices.
Basic Parameters
•At – Device(s) on which output will be triggered. To specify devices see Selection Lists in Event Rules. At least one device must be selected.
•Also trigger on source camera – Check to to send the output signal to the camera selected in the event.
Note: A warning notification will open if one or more of the selected devices does not have an output relay. These devices will be highlighted in red.
Advanced Parameters
•Output ID – The I/O Module port ID to route signal to (see "Setting Up I/O Modules").
May be caused by
•Any Event
•Motion on Camera, Generic Event, Analytics Event, Soft Trigger, and Input Signal on Device – synchronous output. Output stops when motion or input stops.
Why Action may work incorrectly
•Output is not supported on some devices.
•Event is not configured properly.