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Nx Witness User Manual

Users connect to Systems to order to view Cameras, search Archives, interact with Devices, and perform administrative tasks on a System. Users are created with a User Type that defines how they can interface with a System. Permissions granted either directly to a User, or through Group membership, define the actions a User can perform.

Groups are designed to provide bulk management of User Permissions. There are two types of Groups, Built-In Groups and Custom Groups. Built-In Groups have preset Permissions and attributes that cannot be changed while Custom Groups can be created and configured by Administrators and Power Users. Changes made to a Group will be applied to all Users in the Group, and all members of a Group inherit permissions from every Group their Group is a member of.

Users imported from a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Server will use their existing credentials to connect to a Nx Witness System. LDAP Users can be configured as individual Users with Group Memberships or LDAP Groups can be imported and managed as a Custom Group (see "LDAP Users and Groups").

The list of Users and Groups can be accessed from the Main Menu > User Management dialog which has the following tabs:

Users – see "Managing Users"

Groups – see "Managing Groups"

LDAP tab – allows to configure the integration with an LDAP Server (see "LDAP Users and Groups").

note Note: The dialog to configure User Permissions and Group Permissions is the same (see "Permissions Management").