The System Administration dialog (Ctrl+Alt+A) is where you create the events Nx Witness will track, and monitor current user, device and licenses status. The dialog contains the following tabs and sections:
oEvent Rules – opens the dialog when events and corresponding actions can be configured.
oEvent Log – opens the list of events that occurred.
oDevice List – opens the list of devices in the System.
oAudit Trail – opens the list of users' actions. Can be enabled and disabled.
oBookmarks – opens the Bookmark log.
oSystem Settings
•Enable cameras and servers auto discovery
•Send anonymous usage and crash statistics to software developers
•Allow System to optimize camera settings
•Use only HTTPS to connect to cameras
•Force servers to accept only encrypted connections
•Display watermark with username over video
•Logs Management – enables users to specify log levels and download log files
•Backup and Restore – creates or restores a backup database of the System configuration (server and camera settings, users, event rules, etc.).
•Licenses – use this tab to manage licenses and activation.
•Email – use this tab to configure an outgoing email server.
•Updates – tools to manage versions and updates.
•Users – shows all users and roles defined on the System.
•Routing Management – shows System servers and their IP addresses.
•Time Synchronization – lets you choose or synchronize server time.
•Nx Cloud – use this tab to create or connect to a Cloud account.
•Plugins – this tab lists the analytics plugins discovered on a System, in alphabetical order by device manufacturer.