Temporary Users receive a unique URL link that provides access to a System through either the Desktop Client or the Web Admin. The Temporary User URL does not require a password and can be used by anyone (see Connecting as a Temporary User").
•Only Administrators and Power Users can create or modify Temporary Users.
•Temporary User must be configured with a future expiration date.
•Temporary Users can be added and configured at the Desktop Client only (except Status).
•Temporary Users can be members of any Groups that do not include Administrative or Power User permissions.
•The Audit Trail of User Actions captures the activity of Temporary Users.
•Temporary Users can be Enabled, Disable, or Deleted in the Desktop Client, Web Admin, and Cloud Portal.
oDisabling a Temporary User disables the Temporary link, it does not change the configuration of the Temporary User.
Generating a Temporary Link
IMPORTANT: Generating a Link for a Temporary User with an existing Link will invalidate the existing link and close any open sessions.
1.Open the User Management dialog by selecting Main Menu > User Management dialog and switching to the Users tab.
•Optionally refine the list of users by using the search box, filters, and column sorting options.
2.Open the User by doing one the following.
•Clicking on the User name in the list.
•Selecting the checkbox for the User and clicking the Edit icon.
oSelecting multiple Users will limit the edit dialog to batch Enabling and Disabling of Users.
3.Click the New Link… button to open the New Link configuration dialog.
4.Select the date the Link is Valid Until. Server date is used for this required value.
5.Check the Revoke access after login box to define an expiration timer that will start when the link is used (optional).
•If Revoke access after login is selected, than a value between 1 and 999, in minutes, hours, or days must be provided.
6.Click the Create button. Authentication may be required.
7.Copy the link and provide it to the intended User (see "Connecting as a Temporary User").
Terminating a Temporary User Link
IMPORTANT: This will quickly log the Temporary User out of an active session.
1.Open the User Management dialog by selecting Main Menu > User Management dialog and switching to the Users tab.
•Optionally refine the list of users by using the search box, filters, and column sorting options.
2.Open the User to modify by doing one the following.
•Clicking on the User name in the list.
•Select the checkbox for the User and click the Edit icon.
oSelecting multiple Users will limit the Edit dialog to batch Enabling and Disabling of Users.
3.Click the Terminate button to disconnect the User and terminate the previously provided link.
4.Confirm and authenticate if prompted.