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Nx Witness User Manual

Configuring Users includes updating identity information, settings User Permissions, and toggling the User status between Enabled and Disabled. The User Type of any User cannot be changed.

Power Users cannot configure Administrators or other Power Users.

The Desktop Client must be used to change Temporary Users and User Permissions.

Unless stated otherwise below:

oAll clients can modify the Groups where the User is a member – not all Users can be members of every group.

oAll Users can be Enabled, Disabled, Deleted (Local User) or Removed (Cloud User) in the Web Admin and Cloud Portal.

LDAP Users:

oRetain their username, password, and LDAP Group memberships when imported into Nx Witness.

oUse their domain credentials to connect to a System – these can only be changed on the LDAP Server.

oCan be added to Built-In and Custom Groups to inherit Resource Permissions – LDAP Groups memberships must be changed on the LDAP Server.

oCannot be permanently deleted from Nx Witnessthey will be re-imported during each LDAP sync until removed from the LDAP Server.

oCan be permanently Disabled to maintain User related entries on the Audit Trail of User Actions (see "Enabling and Disabling Users").

! IMPORTANT: LDAP Users are still imported when there is already the same username in the system – this may create access issues for all users sharing this username.

Organization Users:

oCan only be managed and changed by Organization Administrators using Cloud Portal interface.

oAre shown in the Desktop Client, Web Admin, and Cloud Portal as locked users belonging to a Built-In Permission Group.

oCannot be members of Custom Permission Groups created in the Desktop Client.

To Configure a User in the Desktop Client

1.Open the User Management dialog by selecting Main Menu > User Management dialog and switching to the Users tab.

Optionally refine the list of users by using the search box, filters, and column sorting options.

2.Click on a User to open the configuration dialog.

User configuration changes are limited to Enabling and Disabling Users when multiple Users are selected.

3.Make changes in the User Settings tabs as outlined below.

The General tab configures User identity attributes (Name, Email) of non-LDAP Users.

The Groups tab selects which Groups the User is a member of – cannot change LDAP Group memberships.

The Resources tab is used to view and Manage Permissions.

The Global Resources tab defines:

oIf the User is permitted to view the Event Log.

oIf the User is permitted to generate Events.

4.Click Apply to save edits and keep the dialog open, or Click OK to Apply changes and close the dialog. Authentication may be required.

To Modify a User using the Web Admin / Cloud Portal

1.Select Settings in the page header menu.

2.Expand the list of Users in the left panel.

3.Click on a User to open the configuration dialog.

Regular Users can be Enabled, Disabled, or Deleted – Group Memberships, Name, Password, and Email can be updated.

Cloud Users can be Enabled, Disabled, Removed from the System, or have their Group Memberships changed.

Temporary Users can be Enabled, Disabled, or Deleted.

LDAP Users can be Enabled, Disabled, and have their non-LDAP Group memberships changed.

4.Configure available User attributes and Click Save. Authentication may be required.